/// Functions: var isNav4 = false; var isIE4 = false; var isNS6 = false; var showLang = true; var endURL; var backUrlParam = ""; var undef; var sfaInterval; var mypostrequest; function detectBrowser() { if (navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) == "4") { if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") { isNav4 = true; } else { isIE4 = true; } } else if (navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >= 5) { if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") { isNS6 = true; } } } function checkForEnterKey(event) { var keyChooser; if (isNav4 || isNS6) { keyChooser = event.which ; } else if (isIE4) { keyChooser = window.event.keyCode; } if (keyChooser == 13) { // 13 is code for enter-key if ( isNS6 != true ) // for FF, enter does implict submit logIn(); } } function logIn() { if ( document.loginForm.userid.value == "" && disableJSPopup == false ) { alert(emptyUserName[ currentPageLang ]); return; } if ( document.loginForm.password.value == "" && disableJSPopup == false ) { alert(emptyPassword[ currentPageLang ]); return; } // This should be same as, action in form authn scheme document.loginForm.action = postActionURL; document.loginForm.submit(); } function registerUser() { registrationURL = registrationURL + ( registrationURL.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?"); registrationURL = registrationURL + backUrlParam; window.location = registrationURL; } function trackUserRegistration() { window.location = trackRegistrationURL; } function lostPassword() { // For OIM lost Password, this has to be just a redirect, w/o any form data // This will be default behavior lostPasswordURL = lostPasswordURL + ( lostPasswordURL.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?"); lostPasswordURL = lostPasswordURL + backUrlParam; if( isOIMLostPassword == true ) { window.location = lostPasswordURL ; } else { // For OAM lost Password, this has to be POST request, with login as form parameter if ( document.loginForm.userid.value == "" && disableJSPopup == false ) { alert(emptyUserName[ currentPageLang ]); return; } var newFormInput = document.createElement("input"); newFormInput.setAttribute("name","login"); newFormInput.setAttribute("type","hidden"); newFormInput.setAttribute("value",document.loginForm.userid.value); document.loginForm.appendChild(newFormInput); document.loginForm.action = lostPasswordURL; document.loginForm.submit(); } } function onBodyLoad() { // autoCompleteOff(); detectBrowser(); checkIfQueryString(); // Hide Register Link for internal pages if ( hideRegLink == false ) { document.getElementById("registerLink").style.visibility="visible"; document.getElementById("trackRegistrationLink").style.visibility="visible"; } // Hide Simple Form var worldMapIcon = document.getElementById("languages1"); if(worldMapIcon != null) { document.getElementById("languages1").style.visibility="hidden"; } // var languageForm = document.loginForm.Languages; var languageForm = document.getElementById("Languages"); if(languageForm != null) { // document.loginForm.Languages.style.visibility="hidden"; document.getElementById("Languages").style.visibility="hidden"; } //document.getElementById("languages").style.visibility="hidden"; //document.loginForm.Languages.style.visibility="hidden"; var langSelectionId = document.getElementById('displayLangSelectionId'); if (langSelectionId != null && langSelectionId.value == 'true' ) { populateSimpleForm(); } } function autoCompleteOff() { var passwordInput = document.loginForm.password; if(passwordInput != null) { passwordInput.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"); } } function localeSelect() { var selectedIndx = document.getElementById("Languages").selectedIndex; var selectedOption = document.getElementById("Languages").options[selectedIndx]; var selectedLang =document.getElementById("Languages").options[selectedIndx].value; var errorQueryParam = ''; // empty by default var undef; if ( isError != undef ) errorQueryParam = "&errorpage=af"; if ( backUrlParam != "" ) backUrlParam = "&" + backUrlParam; submitform(); //window.location = loginRedirectScript + '?' + queryParamName + selectedLang + backUrlParam + errorQueryParam; } function contains(userLanguageArray, obj) { for (var i = 0; i < userLanguageArray.length; i++) { if (userLanguageArray[i] === obj) { return true; } } return false; } function populateSimpleForm() { var langIndx = 0; var doneSelect = false; var selectObject = document.getElementById("Languages"); var worldMapIcon = document.getElementById("languages1"); // var localeOption = document.createElement('Option'); // localeOption.value = currentPageLang; // localeOption.text = selectLocale[ currentPageLang ]; // try { // selectObject.add(localeOption, null); // } // catch(exception) { // selectObject.add(localeOption); // } //for(langIndx = 0; langIndx < displayLangs.length; langIndx++) { //localeOption = document.createElement('Option'); // dispLang = displayLangs[langIndx]; // localeOption.value = dispLang; // langIndx++; //localeOption.text = displayLangs[langIndx]; for(langIndx = 0; langIndx < displayLangs.length; langIndx++) { if( userLanguageArray.length==0 || contains(userLanguageArray,displayLangs[langIndx])){ dispLang = displayLangs[langIndx]; langIndx++; localeOption =new Option(displayLangs[langIndx], dispLang); selectObject.options[selectObject.options.length] = localeOption; var supLang = 0; if(showLang == true) { if(typeof(multiDimArray[ currentPageLang ]) == 'undefined' || multiDimArray[ currentPageLang ] == null){ multiDimArray[ currentPageLang ]= new Array( 'en' ); } while( doneSelect == false && supLang < multiDimArray[ currentPageLang ].length ) { if( doneSelect == false && dispLang == multiDimArray[ currentPageLang ][ supLang ] ) { localeOption.selected = "selected"; doneSelect = true; } supLang++; } } // if(selectObject != null ) { // try { // selectObject.add(localeOption, null); // } //catch(exception) { // selectObject.add(localeOption); //} //} } } if(selectObject != null) { selectObject.style.visibility="visible"; } if(worldMapIcon != null) { worldMapIcon.style.visibility="visible"; } } function setCustomHeaderFooter() { var undef; if( helpLinkHREF != undef ) { var helpLink = document.getElementById("helpLink"); if( helpLink != undef ) helpLink.href = helpLinkHREF; } if( copyRightTEXT != undef ) { var copyRight = document.getElementById("copyRight"); if( copyRight != undef ) copyRight.innerHTML = copyRightTEXT; } if( appLogoIMAGE != undef && appLogoWIDTH != undef && appLogoHEIGHT != undef && appNameTEXT != undef ) { var appLogo = document.getElementById("appLogo"); var appName = document.getElementById("appName"); if( appName != undef ){ var isCloud = document.getElementById("cloud"); if(isCloud != null && isCloud.value == "true"){ appName.innerHTML = appNameTEXT4Cloud; }else{ appName.innerHTML = appNameTEXT; } } if( appLogo != undef ) { appLogo.src= appLogoIMAGE; appLogo.width = appLogoWIDTH; appLogo.height = appLogoHEIGHT; } } if( abtProduct != undef ) { var abtProductTag = document.getElementById("aboutProduct"); if ( abtProductTag != undef ) abtProductTag.href = abtProduct; } if( privacyPolicy != undef ) { var privacyPolicyTag = document.getElementById("privacyPolicy"); if ( privacyPolicyTag != undef ) privacyPolicyTag.href = privacyPolicy; } if( document.loginForm != undef && maxAllowedInputSize != undef ) { // Always do the following. This is required for allowing long usernames and passwords. document.loginForm.userid.maxLength = maxAllowedInputSize; document.loginForm.password.maxLength = maxAllowedInputSize; } } // Logout specific functions function incrLoadedImages() { imagesLoaded = imagesLoaded + 1; } function loadLogoutImages() { // Load images inline var imageLocation; for ( currentDomain = 0; currentDomain < maxImagesToLoad; currentDomain++ ) { imageLocation = callBackLocations[ currentDomain ] + "/access/logout.png "; document.writeln("\".."); } } function waitAndRedirect() { var logoutMessage = document.getElementById('logoutInline'); if (imagesLoaded >= maxImagesToLoad ) { logoutMessage.innerHTML = logoutSuccess[ currentPageLang ]; checkIfEndURL(); if( endURL != undef ) { var redirectAfterLogout = logoutRedirectScript + '?logout=done&' + endURL; window.location = redirectAfterLogout; } else { window.location = redirectToPage; } } else { logoutMessage.innerHTML = logoutFailed[ currentPageLang ]; } } function checkIfEndURL() { var queryString = window.location.search.substring(1); var queries = queryString.split('&'); var testCounter = 0; for( testCounter = 0; testCounter < queries.length; testCounter++ ) { var string = queries[ testCounter ].toLowerCase(); if( string.indexOf("end_url=") >= 0 ) { endURL = queryString; } } } function checkIfQueryString() { var queryString = window.location.search.substring(1); var queries = queryString.split('&'); var testCounter = 0; showLang = true; backUrlParam = ""; for( testCounter = 0; testCounter < queries.length; testCounter++ ) { var string = queries[ testCounter ]; if( string.indexOf("backUrl=") >= 0 ) { backUrlParam = string; } else if( string.indexOf("showlang=") >= 0 ) { showLang = false; } } } function setFocusOnElement(elementId) { var txtFieldDef = document.getElementById(elementId); if(txtFieldDef != null) txtFieldDef.focus(); } function checkSfaStatus(sfaReqId,reqId,token,choice,sfaTypes){ document.loginForm.sfaReqId.value=sfaReqId; document.loginForm.request_id.value=reqId; if( token != ""){ document.loginForm.OAM_REQ.value=token; } var SFA_TYPE=''; var radios = document.getElementsByName(sfaTypes); for (var i = 0, length = radios.length; i < length; i++) { if (radios[i].checked) { SFA_TYPE=radios[i].value; break; } }//for if(SFA_TYPE.length == 0){ document.getElementById(choice).checked = true; } document.loginForm.submit(); } function sfaload(sfaParams,error,sendSuccess,sfaReqId,reqId,token,choice,sfaTypes,poll){ if(sfaParams == "null"){ document.loginForm.submit(); return; }else{ document.getElementById("login").style.display="block"; } if( sfaReqId != "" && error == "0"){ document.getElementById("optionData").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("loginData").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("sfawait").style.display = "block"; var SFA_TYPE=''; var radios = document.getElementsByName(sfaTypes); for (var i = 0, length = radios.length; i < length; i++) { if (radios[i].checked) { SFA_TYPE=radios[i].value; break; } }//lfor if(SFA_TYPE.length == 0){ document.getElementById(choice).checked = true; } sfaInterval=setTimeout(function(){checkSfaStatus(sfaReqId,reqId,token,choice,sfaTypes)},poll); return; } //if sfaReqId if( error == "1" && sendSuccess == "false" ){ document.getElementById("errorBar").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("optionData").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("loginData").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("sfawait").style.display = "none"; onBodyLoad(); return; } if(sendSuccess == "true" && error == "0" ){ document.getElementById("errorBar").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("sfawait").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("optionData").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("loginData").style.display = "block"; onBodyLoad(); return; } if(sendSuccess == "true" && error == "1" ){ document.getElementById("errorBar").style.display="block"; if(SFA_TYPE != "PUSH" ) { document.getElementById("optionData").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("loginData").style.display = "block";} else{ document.getElementById("sfawait").style.display = "none"; } onBodyLoad(); return; } // If there is there is less than two SFA options and the ByPassSfaOptionPage // value is not false, submit the form without displaying the options. if (sendSuccess == "null" && error == "0" ) { var sfaParamList = sfaParams.split(","); var byPassSfaOptionPage; for (var j = 0; j < sfaParamList.length; j += 1) { var pair = sfaParamList[j].split("="); if (pair[0] === "ByPassSfaOptionPage") { byPassSfaOptionPage = pair[1]; } } // Checking "false" value because default value is true if (byPassSfaOptionPage != "false") { radios = document.getElementsByName(sfaTypes); if (radios.length < 2) { SFA_TYPE = radios[0].value; radios[0].checked = true; document.loginForm.sfaSSb.value = "true"; document.getElementById("login").style.display = "none"; document.loginForm.submit(); } } } }//function function showResult(params,option,pinEnabled) { var SFA_TYPE=''; var radios = document.getElementsByName(option); for (var i = 0, length = radios.length; i < length; i++) { if (radios[i].checked) { SFA_TYPE=radios[i].value; break; } } var pinIndex = params.indexOf(SFA_TYPE.concat(pinEnabled)); var pinEnabled = params.substring(params.indexOf("=",pinIndex)+1,params.indexOf(",",pinIndex)); if(SFA_TYPE.length > 0 && pinEnabled == "true"){ document.getElementById("optionData").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("loginData").style.display = "block"; } if(SFA_TYPE.length > 0 && pinEnabled == "false"){ document.getElementById("optionData").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("loginData").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("sfawait").style.display = "block"; } document.loginForm.sfaSSb.value = "true"; document.loginForm.submit(); } function showOptions(){ document.getElementById("errorBar").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("optionData").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("loginData").style.display = "none"; } function loginSubmit(preValue,option){ var SFA_TYPE=''; var radios = document.getElementsByName(option); for (var i = 0, length = radios.length; i < length; i++) { if (radios[i].checked) { SFA_TYPE=radios[i].value; break; } } if(SFA_TYPE.length == 0){ document.getElementById(preValue).checked = true; } document.loginForm.sfaSSb.value="false"; document.loginForm.submit(); } function hideError(){ document.getElementById("errorBar").style.display="none"; }